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Basic knowledge of pet food
Source: | Author:ronghuachongwu | Published time: 2714 days ago | 2143 Views | Share:
Basic knowledge of pet food
With the improvement of living standards, more and more families have pets, but many friends for pet food knowledge does not understand, can not give pet health food, so as to influence the health and life of pets.
Basic knowledge of pet food
With the improvement of living standards, more and more families have pets, but many friends for pet food knowledge does not understand, can not give pet health food, so as to influence the health and life of pets.
Definition of pet food
Pet food is specially designed for the pet (cat, dog, small animal, etc.) to provide food, between the human food and traditional animal feed of high grade animal food. Its main role is to provide the most basic life assurance, growth and health of the nutrients required for a variety of pets. Has the advantages of comprehensive nutrition, high absorption rate of digestion, scientific formula, quality standard, convenient for use and can prevent some diseases.
Classification of pet food
In the form of pet food
Pet food is divided into dry pet food, such as: small animal food, dog food, cat food, leisure snacks; semi dry pet food, such as pet canned food, semi dry and wet grain; pet liquid food, such as meat, soup, pet pet nutrition porridge and so on.
According to the use of pet food
Pet food is divided into: pet diet, dietary partner, functional food, special varieties of food, pet health food, prescription food, pet snacks, and so on.
Pet food purchase standard
First, the best meat is the first ingredient, a by-product of meat and bone meal, choose not to use. Pet food meat is not necessarily good, especially for the elderly and obese pets, it should limit the intake of fat, but should try to choose less meat and bone meal, a by-product of food in allowing the owner economic capacity situation, but should choose to use real meat products.
Second, the choice of natural preservatives in food, view the cereal ingredients in food. Chemical preservatives will have a negative impact on the health of pets, and natural preservatives containing mixed family tincture, vitamin C and E, good for health. For pets, rice is the most easily digested grain, corn containing acid from low limbs, during feeding should be added, and add too much will cause digestive difficulties, therefore, should be avoided in maize excessive content of pet food.